Building A SustaInable Life...

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Crafting: Holiday Projects

So I found an old piece of painted trim in the basement and fell in love with the colour. Decided to turn it into an advent calendar for the kids. Just clothespins (weathered from being left outside by the previous owners! Score.) and wood glue!

We actually installed ours on the wall in a semi-permanent sort of way, but our thinking is that in the off-season we can hang teabags or herbs to dry from the pins.

The kids have been enjoying opening an envelope each night.

We also fiddled around with a Christmas chandelier of sorts, using LED Christmas lights and a hula hoop. Leveling it was... not fun. We have it kinda sorta figured out now, though.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Life-Hacking: Picture Frame Calendar

I know I saw this on Pinterest somewhere. I finally found the perfect 7-part frame and got around to making my own!

Simply pop the backings out of the frames, cut some fabric (or interesting paper) to size, insert it between the glass and the backings and pop the backings back in.

You can write directly on the glass with a dry-erase marker; with a 7-parter, you've got yourself a weekly calendar.