Yet with those justifications (and implicit in the fact that we feel the need to have them at all) is a heaping serving of guilt. As Jim asserts, the ability to purchase said foods – indeed, the ability to even have such a discussion about said foods, to have them as viable options for consumption and for debate – is a matter of privilege. It is a certain level of social comfort which allows me to shop this way (to the extent that I do - another inner conflict I experience is that of food snob vs. bargain-hunter vs. junk food addict). Access to financial resources permits access to “high end” food resources. Many of the comments on Jim’s entry touch on this theme, the belief we’ve all come to share, that eating well is a privilege afforded to the few.
I think, for me, the fundamental problem I have with this debate is that it has to happen at all. Why is organic, locally-grown food at the “high end” of the food system metric? Why is a seemingly simpler way instead just an “alternative"? Didn't people used to eat this way by default? It wasn't always novel, or snobbish.
Shouldn’t it be easy, even cheap, to grow our own food without pricey chemical inputs, and to purchase it from other growers within our region? Shouldn’t our food system be designed to support such food and everyone’s access to same?
Of course it isn’t. Subsidies directed at the wrong places and monocultures - not just of the fields, but of the mind
Of course it goes much deeper than that. But these corporate monstrosities and the Race-to-the-Bottom approach they bring with them certainly don’t help. They make me want to rebel against them. They make me want to fight for a better way.
It’s not only about a love of sushi (although, may I insert a quick nom nom nom? looking forward to that Valentine's dinner...) or a crunchier-than-thou mindset. Sometimes food snobbery is actually born out of a sense of justice (or pure blind rage). And that phrase right there? Makes me sound like a huge asshole. Because it very, very simply shouldn't have to be this way.
And it drives me crazy that it is.
Fantastic post! I too read Sweet Juniper's post with recognition of myself and this renewed my sense of just how unnecessarily complicated simply eating/buying food is. Your post said it much more elegantly!